In the Middle Ages, there was a truth the church forgot
That you are saved by God’s grace never to be bought
Or to be earned by merits, sweat, and tears
The Gospel’s main truths were lost for many years.
But make no mistake, the church was not forgotten
During its corruption and when the theology was rotten
For God was on the move for His word to go far
To get it to his people, he raised a Morning star
The Bible in Latin was only known by a few
So John Wycliffe knew exactly what to do
Passionate that authority was in God’s word alone
Wycliffe translated diligently, like a dog on a bone.
God‘s word to His people with a clear communication
Yet God’s work was just starting with a great reformation
A monk with a mallet is what people think.
A monk who both married and began to drink
But make no mistake about his role
Even Martin Luther knew who was in control
For The night before his memorable stand
Luther wrote in his prayer by his trembling hand
“The work is not mine, but Thine.” He had penned
“I have no business here… I have nothing to contend”
Luther had sensed God’s call for His stand
To be in the Living Book that he held in his hand
His conscience captive to the everlasting Bible
He would stand firm against the questioning rival
Who asked him to recant of what he taught
To obey God’s word was his only thought.
The movement of God through the nations persisted
Reform was on the rise and the Papacy resisted
“After Darkness, Light” was the cry of the Swiss
A metaphor of the Gospel believers could not miss
In England, there was a political and papacy storm
Monarchs with religious power was the troubling norm
But make no mistake for God had his man
Thomas Cranmer was part of his sovereign plan
His writing established Biblical worship and preaching
Even in his martyrdom, they were works of far reaching
In Scotland John Knox was a man who was frail
Yet God strengthen his work so he would not fail
The Puritans of England were mistaken to have no compassion
But they loved God and his Word with a fiery passion.
They declared God’s beauty and grace in eloquent professions
They left for the Church doctrinal writings and biblical confessions
To keep reforming the church we live in today
By the Word of God is the only way
Let’s pray that we will see His Glory and His might
But make no mistake we must stand where God’s word is right
In our lives we must trust God’s supreme and sovereign plan
To bring glory to himself and to save all elected man
Be it through people like Zwingli,
Calvin and Hus
Just as God had used them, God will use us.
We must stand as stewards of a continuing Reformation.
Proclaiming God’s truth with bold declaration!